Vitamin C participates in the normal metabolism of tissues and is an electron donor (or reducing agent) for chemical reactions inside and outside cells. It is a natural antioxidant in the human body. At the same time, vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the human immune system. Vitamin C deficiency can cause Affect the immune function of the body.
Vitamin C can promote the formation of antibodies in the human body, improve the phagocytosis of white blood cells, improve the body's resistance to disease and tolerance to cold, thereby enhancing the body's immune function.
Animal studies have shown that when vitamin C is deficient, the body's immune response to infection becomes abnormal. Vitamin C has an important effect on the function of phagocytes. In the absence of vitamin C, phagocytes cannot perform normal functions, resulting in decreased resistance to infection.
A number of controlled trials have been conducted on volunteers to evaluate the effect of vitamin C on the common cold. The results show that people who regularly take vitamin C at a dose of more than 200 mg per day have a slightly shorter duration of colds (about 10%) than those who do not take vitamin C.
Vitamin C can promote the formation of lymphoblasts, stimulate the proliferation of lymphocytes, improve the body's recognition and phagocytosis of foreign or malignant cells, and can also increase the activity of phagocytes. Healthy people taking vitamin C can enhance the chemotaxis of neutrophils in circulating blood. Vitamin C can also improve the movement and bactericidal function of neutrophils in people with abnormal immune function.
In patients supplemented with vitamin C, the activity of neutrophils increased, which reduced the infection rate of patients. Some evidence suggests that taking vitamin C may enhance the activity of natural killer cells, which play a very important role in the immune surveillance of tumor cells in the early stages of tumor development.
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