You may be able to count on your mailman in rain, snow, sleet, or shine, but what about your outdoor solar lights? One concern for many solar light owners is what happens to them when the weather is not ideal, be it wintry, rainy, or extremely hot and cold. Since the batteries in solar lighting are charged by daylight, these are understandable worries. Depending on what climate you live in, you may be wondering about how your solar lights will perform in different conditions. Here we will answer a few of the top questions often asked about how solar lights work in the winter and in other situations so that you can be sure to prepare well and purchase accordingly. DO Solar Light For Outside NEED DIRECT SUNLIGHT TO CHARGE? Generally speaking, outdoor solar lights charge up by receiving direct sunlight. So, the more sunlight received during the day will directly impact how long the light will stay illuminated at night. On average, a fully charged solar light yard from eigh...